• Marketing - Web

    A software to stand out

    Standing out of the pack starts by being visible, and being noticed by the right group of professionals. No matter how good your profile is, it is lost in a sea of similar profiles, so you need to show up and start attracting visits to your profile page. Suppose we…

  • .NET - Programming - Web

    Web page scraping, the easy way

    Scraping content from websites can be a useful tool for gathering information or automating certain tasks. In C#, there are several libraries available that can help make this process easier. In this blog post, we will cover how to use the HtmlAgilityPack library to scrape content from websites in C#.…

  • .NET - Programming - Web

    Scraping dynamic page content

    Scraping dynamic content from websites has become an important task in data collection and analysis. With the advancements in web technologies, websites are now using dynamic content that cannot be easily scraped with traditional web scraping techniques. In this blog post, we will explore how to scrape dynamic content from…