Intel Pentium II 350/100

The Pentium II brand refers to Intel‘s sixth-generation microarchitecture (“P6“) and x86-compatible microprocessors introduced on May 7, 1997. Containing 7.5 million transistors (27.4 million in the case of the mobile Dixon with 256 KB L2 cache), the Pentium II featured an improved version of the first P6-generation core of the Pentium Pro, which contained 5.5 million transistors. However, its L2 cache subsystem was a downgrade when compared to the Pentium Pros. It is a single-core microprocessor.

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General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Family Intel Pentium II
Part number BX80523U350512E [1]
Processor markings 350/512/100/2.0V
Frequency  ?  350 MHz
Bus speed  ?  100 MHz
Package type SECC2 PLGA
Socket type Slot 1
Architecture / Microarchitecture / Other
CPUID 0652h
Core stepping dB0
Processor core Deschutes
Manufacturing technology 0.25 micron
L2 cache size  ?  512 KB
Core voltage  ?  2.0V (1.93V – 2.1V)
Case temperature  ?  80°C
TagRAM T6P-e
TagRAM stepping A0
Substrate revision B1
Notes on sSpec SL356
  • Part number is not confirmed
  • Cacheable address space supports up to 4 Gbytes.
  • This part also ships as a boxed processor with an attached fan heatsink.
  • L2 cache supports ECC.