• Video

    Background subtraction: basic methods, mean and variance over time

    Performance map Static Frame Difference {youtube}sPSBGh1immI{/youtube}  {gallery}StaticFrameDifferenceBGS{/gallery} Frame Difference {youtube}M13RCAnu4GE{/youtube} {gallery}FrameDifferenceBGS{/gallery} Weighted Moving Mean {youtube}19kGi-q63_0{/youtube} {gallery}WeightedMovingMeanBGS{/gallery} Weighted Moving Variance {youtube}9iiq-oGqDfs{/youtube} {gallery}WeightedMovingVarianceBGS{/gallery} Adaptive Background Learning {youtube}-GbIAJ3wkxQ{/youtube} {gallery}AdaptiveBackgroundLearning{/gallery} Temporal Mean {youtube}ZqEefSxUPuE{/youtube} {gallery}DPMeanBGS{/gallery} Adaptive Median of McFarlane and Schofield (1995) paper link {youtube}RPQAQAXDKhI{/youtube} An algorithm was developed for the segmentation and tracking of…

  • Video

    Comparing background subtraction algorithms

    The bgslibrary by Andrews Sobral includes over 30 background subtraction algorithms, a common C++ framework for comparing them, and an handy C++/MFC or Java app to see them running on video files or live feed from a webcam. I have run all the background subtraction algorithms against a test sequence…

  • Video

    Test video for CCTV motion analysis

    Here is video footage from a real-life scene: it’s a windy day, so the camera is slightly shaking, and there is a lot of action happening in the road below. This video sequence is useful for the following tests: – checking the direction of moving vehicles (there are bikes moving…

  • Video

    Slow blits with latest nVidia drivers

    An application of mine uses DirectDraw to draw video frames on multiple screens, and so far the visualization pipeline used a group of off-screen YUV surfaces that, at the end of the process, are drawn into the primary surface. So this is the code that creates the primary surface: {CODE…